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President Barack Obama Shooting Baskets Playing Hoops Missing Shoots White House Easter Egg Roll

President Obama Shooting Baskets, Breaking Promises

On April 1st, 2013, President Barack Obama was joined by more than 30,000 guests for the 135th annual White House Easter Egg Roll. The holiday festivities included the eponymous egg rolling competition, an obstacle course run, cooking demonstrations, story telling, and more. Numerous musical guests showed up to perform, including Jordin Sparks, Coco Jones, and Jessica Sanchez. But the highlight of the day had to be when the Commander-in-Chief took to the White House basketball court to shoot a few hoops.

He was joined by several players from the Washington Wizards to put on a show for the kids. However, the President proceeded to play what can only be described as a one-man game of H.O.R.S.E., as he attempted to sink no less than 22 shots in a row from various spots around the court. Of his 22 tries, POTUS sank a paltry two. Fortunately, cameras were rolling and captured the President’s incredible court-side performance for all the world to see.

We decided to use some of the video footage taken that day (courtesy of CBS News) and have a little fun with it. We created a montage of President Obama shooting baskets and mixed in clips of him making, and consequently breaking, various promises and pledges over the years. The result is worth a look.




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