Home > Politics > Nancy Pelosi Confuses Constitution With Declaration of Independence
Nancy Pelosi Confuses Constitution With Declaration of Independence Center For American Progress CAP Speech Democrat Democratic Minority Leader of the House Liberal Left September 24, 2013 Seneca Falls, New York 165 years ago truths that are self-evident, that every man and woman, that men and women were created equal

Nancy Pelosi Confuses Constitution With Declaration of Independence

Last week, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi spoke at the Center for American Progress (CAP). In her speech, she did something very odd for a liberal, and very brave: she tried to talk about one of the founding documents of the United States of America.

Normally, a tenured Congressperson would have no problem waxing philosophical on the inner workings of any one of these foundational works. However, the person in question is a Progressive moonbat, and sees the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence as living, breathing documents which need to be transformed.

Or destroyed.

Hmm, imagine a liberal wanting to destroy something living and breathing.

In any case, Rep. Nancy Pelosi addressed the audience at CAP and attempted to speak favorably about a famous passage in the Declaration of Independence. It must have been very unnerving for her.

So much so that she attributed the quote to the Constitution.

Here is what she said:

To go to Seneca Falls, and to paraphrase what our founders said in the Constitution of the United States: they said the truths that are self-evident, that every man and woman, that men and women were created equal and that we must go forward in recognition of that.

Obviously, it is self-evident that the phrase comes from the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. But hey, what’s the difference when you’d rather see both documents lit on fire.

Here is the video:

Nancy, why don’t you stick to your strong suit, which is talking about the Bible?


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