Home > Politics > Obama Promised ‘If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It’ 36 Times
President Barack Obama Obamacare Promised Said Lied Falsehood If You Like Your Health Care Plan You Can Keep It 36 Times The Washington Free Beacon YouTube Video ACA Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Obama Promised ‘If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It’ 36 Times

When President Barack Obama was making the case for why Obamacare would be so badass and amazing, he was quoted as saying the following:

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

Today, with millions of Americans receiving policy cancellation notices from their health care providers as a direct result of new Obamacare regulations, we know that this is not true. It’s not even close to the truth.

It’s an all out lie.

Fortunately for the President, he is never on camera when he speaks, so he can deny everything.

Or, he is the most famous man in the world and everything that he says is recorded.

But, knowing him, it was just a slip of the tongue. Or, perhaps there was a teleprompter malfunction. Or, maybe he didn’t get to take in 72 holes that day.

Either way, it was an honest mistake. Go easy on the guy.

Plus, it was more than likely just an isolated incident. I mean, how many times could the President have said, “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan” on camera for all Americans to see?

36 times. He said that 36 times.

The Washington Free Beacon has compiled a video documenting the 36 times that President Obama made the “If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It” promise on camera. Watch it here:

What if I don’t like my President? Do I have to keep my President?


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