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Awesome Jimmy Kimmel Skit Pitches New Obamacare-Care Website

On yesterday’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, the late night host aired a sketch which absolutely destroyed Obamacare. Before playing the clip, Kimmel asked the audience if any of them had actually signed up for a health care plan on the President’s problem-ridden exchange. Their response?


Well, I’m sure that those 9 million sign-ups claimed by the President came from somewhere.

The comedian then proceeded to play the sketch, which highlighted the launch of an exciting, new government website aimed at helping Americans navigate through the Obamacare website. Its name?


That’s right, Obamacare-Care. I won’t spoil the skit, but it definitely sounds like something that a bloated government bureaucrat would try: throwing more “problem” at the problem. Kinda like trying to solve the debt crisis by adding more debt. And just as TARP led to TARP II, I’m sure that Obamacare-Care will eventually lead to Obamacare-Care-Care.

But after that, health care will be fixed, just like the economy.

Watch the awesome video here:

(H/T: Washington Free Beacon)


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