Home > Politics > Chicago Mayor ‘Wreck-It Rahm’ Emanuel Gets ‘Poetry Slammed’ by Four Teens
Rahm Emanuel poetry slam slammed four teens Chicago Mayor called out jam hip-hop Team Englewood Spoken Word Hide Your Schools, Hide Your Homes, Hide Your Children, Cause He's Wrecking it All wreck

Chicago Mayor ‘Wreck-It Rahm’ Emanuel Gets ‘Poetry Slammed’ by Four Teens

"Wreck-It Rahm" Emanuel Chicago Mayor Team Englewood spoken word poetry slam Louder Than A Bomb youth four teens community academy "Hide Your Schools, Hide Your Homes, Hide Your Children, Cause He’s Wrecking it All"“Wreck-It Rahm.”

That’s the affectionate name that four teens came up with for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who is the subject of the quartet’s scathing spoken word performance.

Members of the Team Englewood Spoken Word group, the foursome recently competed in the “Louder Than A Bomb” youth poetry slam, where they performed their piece “Hide Your Schools, Hide Your Homes, Hide Your Children, Cause He’s Wrecking It All.”

And the person doing the wrecking is none other than Obama’s former Chief of Staff “Wreck-It Rahm” Emanuel.

That is, until these teens took to the stage and used a wrecking ball of their own.

Here are some of the best lines from the spoken word piece:

Destroy it all and Deny, Deny, Deny. But remember to always keep a straight face when you lie.

Try to pour the cheap paint over our eyes while stealing dollars from under our mattresses.

See Rahm, we are mathematicians. Your lies are adding up, and this new Chicago is just another one of them.

Ouch! Rahm, you might need to leave Chicago for a while. Besides, Obama hasn’t fully wrecked the rest of the country yet and could probably use your help.

Here’s the video of “Wreck-It Rahm” Emanuel getting poetry slammed:


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