Home > Politics > President Obama Gets Trolled On Twitter #LikeABoss
#LikeABoss Twitter hashtag "Like a Boss" "Like a Bystander" President Obama Photoshop Photoshopped Photoshops Photoshopping got gets trolled Democrat Democrats @TheDemocrats account handle Democratic party DNC bumper sticker mock mocks mocking mocked mockery ensues ensued lampoon hilarious hilarity funny hysterical comical comedy comedic awesome great best

President Obama Gets Trolled On Twitter #LikeABoss

When Barack Obama was first elected to the nation’s highest office in 2008, he was hailed as “the first social media President” and was praised for running such an Internet-savvy campaign. My, how the times have changed.

Fast forward to 2014, and you would swear that Obama’s technology team, as well as that of the entire Democratic party, was being managed by this lady:

Old lady "How Do I Internet Again" lack of no computer skills skillz knowledge

Today, the DNC thought that it would be a good idea to do a little crowdsourcing using the “information superhighway.”

They sent a tweet from their @TheDemocrats Twitter handle containing a “hip,” “swell” bumper sticker idea that they thought would resonate with “the youngins,” and asked them to help pick the best overall design.

The proposed bumper sticker shows President Obama from the shoulders up and includes the caption “Like a Boss,” a reference to an SNL video featuring Seth Rogen and Andy Samberg.

Here’s the tweet:

Now, anyone familiar with Internet culture these days, and “the first social media President” of course would be, knows that this pic is just asking—no, begging—no, demanding—to be Photoshopped endlessly and mercilessly. Well, people heard the clarion call of the Photoshop gods and started Photoshopping and tweeting their responses #LikeABoss. Some of the tweets are absolutely hysterical, the most memorable of which are provided here for your viewing pleasure:  





















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